Labour Force Survey collecting information about active and inactive population of Latvia has been conducted for more than 20 years. It is carried out in all European Union countries based on a common and proven methods and allows to follow national labour market trends and changes.
If the address was selected with a random sampling method, respondents receive a Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) letter inviting them to take part in the survey. General questions will be asked to all household members, while people aged 15–89 will be asked about employment, experience when seeking job, etc.
The applicable laws and regulations of the European Union and of the Republic of Latvia allows the CSB to collect and process personal data and mandates it to ensure the protection and confidentiality of the data received. The information acquired will only be published as a summarised data and used to analyse economic and social phenomena and processes.
Since the information on employment changes over time should be collected as well, the survey will be conducted in four waves with a few months break between the interviews. We would be grateful if the sampled respondents would participate in the survey since their contribution will help to reflect the actual situation in the Latvian labour market.
Web interviewing
If you have received a postal or e-mail letter inviting you to complete online questionnaire, you can do that at within the period specified in the letter received.
The letter addressee will be asked to log in the e-survey system using Internet bank, e-identification card, or e-signature identity verification. In case the questionnaire is completed by a person another than the addressee, he/she shall be fully responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.
Guidelines for respondents on how to fill in the e-survey (available in Latvian only).
Telephone and personal interviewing
Upon arrival, the interviewer will present a CSB employee identification card with a photo. If you want to verify identity of your interviewer or find out more about the survey:
- call the toll-free assistance number +371 80008811 on weekdays from 10:00 to 18:00; or
- contact the CSB by writing to the e-mail address