The Statistical Council is an advisory body the purpose of which is to develop the system of official statistics by providing recommendations to statistical institutions, as well as facilitating cooperation between statistical institutions, respondents and users of statistics.

The Statistical Council acts according to its by-laws (only in Latvian). The by-laws and members of the Statistical Council are approved by the Minister for Economics. The term of office of the members of the Statistical Council is four years. Members of the Statistical Council may be repeatedly approved for work in the Council.

The functions of the secretariat of the Statistics Council are carried out by the Central Statistical Bureau:
Lāčplēša iela 1, Riga. Phone: +371 67366959, e-mail:

Activities of the Statistical Council are set under the Statistics Law and Order No 1-6.1/2024/41 of the Ministry of Economics of 15 April 2024. The order provides for the following members of the Statistical Council:

Chair of the Council

Raimonds Lapiņš representing Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia

Members of the Council

Aiga Ose representing Bank of Latvia
Jānis Hermanis representing Employers’ Confederation of Latvia
Juris Krūmiņš representing Council of Higher Education
Zigmārs Ķikāns representing Ministry of Agriculture
Lāsma Dilba representing Data State Inspectorate
Jānis Upenieks representing Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments
Dace Zīle representing Ministry of Economics
Solveiga Siliņa representing Ministry of Welfare
Aija Žīgure representing Latvian Association of Statisticians
Kristīne Kazerovska representing Ministry of Smart Administration and Regional Development
Vladislavs Vesperis representing The State Chancellery
Krišs Zvirbulis representing Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Anda Grīnfelde representing Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia